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Smoking increases your risk of developing more than 50 serious health conditions that can cause irreversible long-term damage to your health and even death.
Your decision to quit smoking is usually not one that happens overnight. Everything in life goes through a process and this is the same for stopping smoking.
Read through the following pages to find out why smoking is so bad for your health. Also find out what the benefits of stopping to smoke and how you successfully go about to quit smoking.
Tobacco and Cigarette Smoke
Tobacco is the dried, shredded and processed leaves from the tobacco plant. It is used in cigarettes, and cigars. Although it is usually smoked, some people chew tobacco leaves. Tobacco contains a highly addictive ingredient called nicotine. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals in gaseous and particulate forms, many of which are highly poisonous and can cause cancer.
For more information and facts about tobacco and smoking, please click here.
E-cigarettes and Vaping
Electronic cigarettes are now widely available and have become a recognised alternative to smoking traditional tobacco cigarettes. For more information on E-cigarettes and Vaping click here.
To discover the benefits of quitting click here.
If you want to talk to somebody about smoking cessation, please contact the GHA’s smoking cessation service on 200 52441 between 11am and 3pm Monday to Friday, you can also book your appointment online on: